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The ASK Workshop ONLINE


How do you translate a full-day, interactive, evidence-informed, activity-rich, case-based,

face-to-face workshop to online? 



Thoughtfully, and with care.

Introducing The ASK Workshop V3 ONLINE


Program Evaluation Study Preliminary Report-- Click image to watch the 17 minute video.
Short on time? 
Click to play brief slide show 

The ASK Workshop V3 ONLINE exceeds participant expectations: internationally accredited, excellent learner materials, highly relevant learning resources. Effective, safe, affordable. Now available as online or face-to-face workshops. 

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Children Praying

“The ASK Workshop™ has been incorporated into a 5th semester course on emotional wellbeing from childhood through adolescence... a required course for all students in Seneca College's four-year Honours Bachelor of Child Development program. ” 

Julie Gerrits, Professor and Program Coordinator , School of Early Childhood Education, Seneca College.

How is the online course structured?

Self-Paced Online Modules


Live-Stream Facilitated Interactive Sessions


Safe, Accessible, Effective Learning 

  • Learn about the risk factors and warning flags signalling that a child may be at risk of suicide.

  • Practice using an evidence based brief screening tool that anyone can use to match a child who needs support or help to the most appropriate helper.

  • Benefit from working with a group of passionate and experienced colleagues who share their unique perspectives.

  • Learn from an experienced facilitator using current wisdom from clinical practice and published research.


Your learning journey begins* with two self-paced learning modules that can easily be completed in about an hour total, with a Baseline Survey to help you target your learning in preparation for the two interactive Livestream sessions scheduled for a few days later. 


Each Livestream session is approximately 4.5 hours in length, leaving ample time for learning using video case studies, facilitator guided simulations, small group discussions, and opportunities to apply your new knowledge using helpful tools and resources. Livestream sessions are facilitated by two presenters, typically over two consecutive days .


Upon completion of all components participants complete an Exit Survey that helps them measure their learning accomplishments, download a certificate and a Digital Reference Tool.

*Recommended preparation: LivingWorks' Start, safeTALK, ASIST or similar

What is the cost to attend?
Individual seats at The ASK Workshop V3 ONLINE can be purchased for $140 CAD, $140 USD, or  83.50 GBP, depending on the location of the host/organizer. 

Corporations and Systems--

Talk to us about rates for volume licensing. 

Become a Facilitator

of The ASK Workshop ONLINE

Virtual Team Meeting
More about The ASK Workshop ONLINE
Become a Facilitator
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